Propolisin Cilt Üzerine Etkisi

Propolis, which is collected from plant stalks, leaves, and buds by the worker bees, is a natural product with high antioxidant features. Besides, it exhibits potent antibacterial activity. Research conducted at Babol University in 2013 compared the antibacterial activities of three different propolis extracts (alcohol concentrations: 0, 15, 40%) and aloe vera gel on E. faecalis using...

Arı Ekmeğinin Üreme Sağlığına Etkisi

Polenin fermente hali olan arı ekmeği, doğal probiyotik bir gıdadır. Bunun yanında içeriğinde, %35 protein, yüksek oranda vitamin ve mineraller bulunmaktadır. Arı ekmeğinin, hem kadın hem de erkek üreme sistemi üzerinde bir çok olumlu etkisi bilinmektedir. “2018 yılında Zainal Üniversitesi’nde yapılan bir çalışmada, arı ekmeğinin erkek üreme sistemi üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışma, kontrol grubu ve…

Polenin Karaciğer Üzerine Etkisi

A research carried out at Ryazan University evaluated the liver functions and pollen & lactulose consumption in children with chronic Hepatitis B. The trial consisted of 65 children aging between 3-5. Eighteen children suffered from chronic constipation. Forty-five children were administered pollen and honey mix before meals three times a day. In comparison, 18 children received 0.5 ml/kg pollen and lactulose twice a day for four weeks. The study results revealed that previous high levels of liver tests (ALT, AST, GGT) were reduced to normal levels in both groups. The authors concluded that those results are related to the high vitamin and mineral content of the pollen, enhancing the liver functions in children with chronic Hepatitis B.

Propolisin Antienflamatuar ve Bağışıklığı Destekleyici Etkisi

In 2019 a scientific study carried at Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Strathclyde in England studied the effect of propolis on cytokines concerning its immunomodulatory activity. The scientists investigated its ability to alter the production of tumor necrosis factor and the cytokines in macrophage cells co-stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS).

Beyin Dostu 5 Besin

Beyin Dostu 5 Besin! Yaşam boyu yeterli ve dengeli beslenmenin, bilişsel işlevleri desteklediği kanıtlanmıştır. Beyin sağlığı ve bilişsel işlevleri desteklemeye yardımcı olacak 5 besinden bahsetmek istiyorum; 1.Arı Sütü: İçeriğinde, başka herhangi bir besin maddesinde bulunmayan 10-HDA ve Royalaktin gibi çok özel bileşenler bulunmaktadır. Bu sayede beyin gelişimi ve hafıza açısından oldukça önemlidir. 2.Ceviz: Omega-3 yağ…

Polen ve Arı Sütünün İskelet Kas Cilt Sağlığı Üzerine Etkisi

Bee pollen and royal jelly are gaining recognition due to the presence of bioactive compounds presenting positive effects on muscle and bone health. A sufficient amount of calcium intake during physical development at childhood and young ages becomes more crucial for protection against osteoporosis and other bone diseases at the time of aging. Furthermore, natural foods promoting collagen synthesis in the body are often recommended as aging develops because collagen supports a healthy tooth, bone, and muscle structure. Royal jelly and pollen promote collagen synthesis, and also they are rich in calcium.

Ham Balın Öksürük Üzerine Etkisi

In 2007, a study conducted at Calgary University evaluated the effect of raw honey on nighttime cough and sleep difficulty associated with childhood upper respiratory tract infections. The survey study included one hundred five children aged 2 to 18 years with upper respiratory tract infections, nighttime symptoms, and illness duration of 7 days or less. The scientists grouped the children according to their ages (ages 2-5, 6-11, and 12-18 years). Each child, randomly assigned in a partially double-blinded method, received artificially honey-flavored DM (17 mg /5 mL prepared using DM hydrobromide powder with artificial honey flavoring and coloring), buckwheat honey, or nothing in a 10-mL syringe. The study results revealed that the most favorable symptomatic relief of children's nocturnal cough and sleep difficulty was observed with honey. The authors recommended that honey may be a better treatment for the cough and sleep difficulty associated with childhood upper respiratory tract infection.