A research carried out at Ryazan University evaluated the liver functions and pollen & lactulose consumption in children with chronic Hepatitis B. The trial consisted of 65 children aging between 3-5. Eighteen children suffered from chronic constipation. Forty-five children were administered pollen and honey mix before meals three times a day. In comparison, 18 children received 0.5 ml/kg pollen and lactulose twice a day for four weeks. The study results revealed that previous high levels of liver tests (ALT, AST, GGT) were reduced to normal levels in both groups. The authors concluded that those results are related to the high vitamin and mineral content of the pollen, enhancing the liver functions in children with chronic Hepatitis B.
Reference: Uzbekova, D., et al. "Bee-collected pollen and lactulose in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in children." Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001): 194.
Reference: Uzbekova, D., et al. “Bee-collected pollen and lactulose in treatment of chronic hepatitis B in children.” Journal of Hepatology 34 (2001): 194.